Sunday, April 30, 2017

Solve It! Friday Has a New Address

Head on over to to read the post!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Surviving the Last Weeks of School: How to Keep Your Students Engaged It’s April!! For me this month means a time for celebration—it’s my birth month. For many Americans though, it’s a most dreaded time of the year because it means that they have to send a very large check to the government for the amount of tax debt they did not pay during the 12 months […]

Monday, April 24, 2017

Blog Changes Ahead!

Hello Routty Math Teacher Fans! Thank you so much for supporting this blog! I’m so excited to announce my new blog format. As of this week, Transformation Tuesday and Thursday Tool School have been retired and I will be combining the two series into one weekly post. What’s so great about this change you ask? […]