Sunday, August 30, 2015

Introducing the Routty Math Teacher's Teaching Tidbits-- a Monthly Newsletter

Hello Routty Math Teacher Community!

I'm excited to announce my new monthly newsletter with all of your favorite Routty Math Teacher features packed in one tidy, little package. The newsletter will be delivered during the first week of every month beginning in October and will include feature articles, teaching tidbits, math 'n' literature resources, and subscriber freebies. Plus, once you complete your subscription, you'll receive the link to a bonus freebie full of interactive notebook printables delivered to your inbox. You can grab your copy by clicking on the picture below.

Note: Your privacy is a top priority. Your email address will never be shared.


  1. Hi Shametria,
    I teach middle school math and I look forward to more helpful tips and strategies for my class of learners. I clicked on the picture, but nothing happened. Thanks.

  2. Hello Latricia! Thanks for letting me know. The pictures should be working now. If not, try the link-
